Pattern Korean

Why is Korean unnecessarily
difficult to learn ?

So this class takes away all needless textbook grammar

How? Check it out below.
(It only takes 3 minutes!)

Pattern Korean

Accumulated students for 3 months

More than 100

Average rating of


Experience in Korean language education

2-3 years

Aren't you tired of studying Grammar and Exceptions with textbooks?

"Stop studying with textbooks, let's study with patterns, and speak Korean right away!"

Why can’t I say anything after studying with many lessons and videos for a year?

Why is the expression of Korean drama different from what I studied?

Pattern Korean Course Curriculum

If you don’t know Hangul(Consonants,Vowels) You can take Pattern Korean 1 Course(Beginner)! 

If you can read Hangul(Consonants,Vowels) You can take Pattern Korean 2 Course(Intermediate)!

Please check each curriculum of the ‘Pattern Korean Course’ by clicking ‘+‘ below! 

week 1.

– History of Hangul
– What’s Hangeul?
– Scientific principles of vowels,The principle of 천지인(sky,ground,man)
– How to read Korean Vowels
– Korean syllable blocks
– two sounds of “ㅇ”(circle consonant)

week 2.

– How to read korea consonants
– How To Read Korean Words
– Combine consonants and vowels sound
– Double Consonants
– How to pronounce ‘ㅡ’ and ‘아’ sound
– Two type of korean letters

week 3.

– Batchim Sounds (Ending Consonants)
– Final Consonants(ㅌ,ㄷ,ㅅ,ㅎ,ㅆ,ㅈ,ㅎ)
– Final Consonants(ㄱ,ㅋ,ㄲ)
– Final Consonants(ㅂ,ㅍ)
– Final Consonants(ㄴ,ㄹ,ㅁ,ㅇ)
– Read korean words
– self-introduction

week 4.

★ Practice combining each syllable sound(With various words)
– Name of Korean food(voca)
– There is/are~(~있어요)
– time particle(~에)
– I have/don’t have someting(~있/없어요)
– The days of the week in korean(sun~sat)
– The order of words in a Korean sentence
– Pattern6. Let’s~(~자)
– Let’s go/eat/do~

week 5.

– Self-introduction(Name,nationality)
– The names of country
– The names of country Occupation
– Useful expressions
– Practice making sentences
– useful expressions
처음 뵙겠습니다
만나서 반가워요
잘 먹겠습니다
잘 먹었습니다
실례합니다/잠시만요. etc

week 6.

– Expressions related to time(today,tomorrow,yesterday)
– I want to~(~고싶어요)
i wanna go/eat/drink
– From A to B(~에서~까지)
– How to make a sentence with negative Adverb(Not)
– I like + something
– i don’t like + something
– subject,object particles(은,는,이,가)
– object particles(을,를)
– Pattern Korean 1 course summary
– Review and Q&A(Week 1-6)

week 1.

★ How to make an ending in the basic verb form (past, present, future)

– The importance of a Verb stem
– Self-introduction(Nationality, Occupation)
– How to write your name in Korean
– Top 10 most useful expressions
– Korean manners (before,after eat something)
– Pattern1. will/going to(~거에요)
– How to say “i will go/drink/eat~”

week 2.
– How to make a sentence(with verb)
– how to make a past tense(-았/었/했어요)
– Pattern2. I went to~ (~갔어요)
– Words related to a place
– Expressions related to time(today,tomorrow,yesterday)
– Weekend activities
– Pattern3. I’m gonna meet/rest/read

week 3.
– How to order from a Korean restaurant
– Korean number system(sino/native)
– Pattern4. give me~(~주세요)
– Conjunction(A and B)
– Ending(Polite,informal)
– How to say your age
– Korean Unit/time(hour/min),clock,counting

week 4.
– Review what you learned
– want to(~고싶어), Possessive Particle(~의)
– like/ don’t like,Conjunctions(But, and, or)
– From A to B(~에서~까지), Let’s(~자), After&Before
– Conjunctions(and,or)
– Pattern 5. I want to~(~고싶어요)
– I wanna go/dirnk/eat

week 5.
– Pattern 6. I will study
– season in korean
– Only,just(~만)
– From A to B (place,time)
– Posessive Particle(~의)
– Pattern 7. I Can/Can’t
I can go/drink/eat
– Useful idiom 1. ‘I’m in the middle of~ ‘

week 6.

– How to modify a noun with an adjective
– Noun modifying form(ㄴ/은)
– Conjunctions with Nouns(And,Or)
– Conjunctions with Verbs(And,Or)
– This, That, Over there
– Pattern 8. I should~
I should sit/stand up/wake up
– Here, there, over there

week 7.

– How to order from a Korean restaurant
– Too, also(~도)
– Pattern 9. I should not~/don’t have to
I shouldn’t eat/drink/go
– Useful idiom 2. ‘Are you done with~ ‘
– how to say ‘about’, ‘approximately’, ‘around’ in korean

week 8.

– Pattern Korean 2 course summary
★ Preview of Conversation Class
– The most useful ending pt2. ‘Are you done with~ ‘
– How to make a noun form
– Useful idiom 3. ‘There are so many~’
– Review and Q&A(Week 1-8)

  • Word order of korean sentences
  • Particles(Topic,Subject,Object) 
  • Korean Number system(native,sino)
  • Conjunction(and,between nouns and sentences)
  • Conjunction(Or,between nouns and sentences)
  • Basic Vowels(ㅏ,ㅓ,ㅗ,ㅜ,ㅡ,ㅣ)
  • Combine Vowels(ㅘ,ㅝ,ㅟ,ㅞ,ㅙ,ㅚ)
  • Double Vowels(ㅑ,ㅕ,ㅛ,ㅠ)
  • Consonants(ㄱ,ㄴ,ㄷ)
  • Consonants(ㄹ,ㅁ,ㅂ,ㅅ)
  • Consonant(ㅇ)
  • Aspirated Consonants(ㅊ,ㅋ,ㅌ,ㅍ)/Consonants(ㅈ,ㅎ)
  • Final consonant(ㄴ,ㄹ,ㅁ,ㅇ,ㅂ,ㅍ)
  • Final consonant(ㄱ,ㅋ,ㄲ)
  • Final consonant(ㄷ,ㅌ,ㅅ,ㅎ,ㅆ,ㅈ)
  • Words related to time
  • Linking sound
  • Native Numbers
  • Sino Numbers
  • Demonstrative pronouns(This,that)
  • The difference between ‘가세요’ and ‘계세요‘(goodbye)
  • Basic expressions
  • Numeric Unit
  • How to call someone’s name in korean
  • (Preview) Past tense(i ate +something+time)
  • Korean Syllable blocks(1,2) 
  • Topic Particles(은,는)
  • How to introduce yourself (greeting, name, nationality)
  • Korean sentence order
  • What is the ‘Verb stem’?
  • How to order food in korean(main/side)
  • Simulation of ordering at a Korean restaurant
  • What time is the next~?
  • How to ask for directions
  • How to make a Future tense(will/going to)
  • Future tense pattern 1.(I’m going to somewhere)
  • Future tense pattern 2.(I’m going to drink something)
  • Future tense pattern 3.(I’m going to eat something)
  • How to make a Past tense
  • Past tense pattern 1.(I ate something+time)
  • Past tense pattern 2.(I went to somewhere+time)
  • How to make a Present tense(-ing)
  • Present tense pattern 1.(I’m eating something)
  • I like/don’t like something
  • Counting Units
  • From A to B(Place, time)
  • How to modify Noun with Adjective
  • What did you do yesterday/last week?(past experience)
  • Have you been to somewhere?(i have/i haven’t)
  • How to talk About Preferences(Do you like something?)
  • How to make sentences with ‘should’
  • How to make sentences with ‘Let’s’
  • How to make a sentence with ‘want’
  • Can you drink something?


Pattern Korean 1 Course (Beginner)

$820 -> $294

(※ only for this month!!) 

(6 Weeks Program)

Click the button below
to join the Pattern Korean 1 Course

  • 6 Weekly recording Classes (1hour each,Valued $360)
  • 6 recorded Videos of Live Classes (1hour each)
  • 6 Weekly Homework(google classroom)
  • 6 Personalized Feedback
  • 28 exclusive videos (Valued $280)
  • 20 e-book materials(Beginner)
  • Lifetime Access to 25 exclusive videos
  • Lifetime Access to the Pattern Korean 1 course materials(PDF, e-book included)
  • Top 30 the most useful sentences (Valued $40)
  • Top 10 most useful Idioms (Valued $30)
  • Unlimited Q&A

Pattern Korean 2 Course

$1250 -> $398

(※ only for this month!!)

(8 Weeks Program)

Click the button below
to join the Pattern Korean 2 Course

  • 8 Weekly recording Classes (1hour each,Valued $480)
  • 8 recorded Videos of Live Classes (1hour each)
  • 8 Weekly Homework(google classroom)
  • 8 Personalized Feedback
  • 28 exclusive videos (Valued $280)
  • Lifetime Access to 28 exclusive videos
  • Lifetime Access to the Pattern Korean 2 course materials(PDF, e-book included)
  • Top 100 Most Useful korean Verb (Valued $80) 
  • Top 10 Most Useful Ending (Valued $60)
  • Top 30 the most useful sentences (Valued $40)
  • Top 10 most useful Idioms (Valued $30)
  • Unlimited Q&A

How Does 'Pattern Korean Class' Work?

1. Watch a weekly recorded class (60 mins each)
2. Do your homework (with e-book & Various Lecture materials)
3. Get feedback
4. Review with 28 exclusive videos

1. Watch a weekly recording Class
(1 hour each)

2. Do your homework With various materials
(e-book, google sheets)

3. Get feedback

4. Review with 28 exclusive videos

If you want to know how the Pattern Korean Class works,

Check out the video below!

Why is your Korean study journey difficult?

You focus on a lot of grammar and exceptions(endings)

It’s because you studied ‘Korean for textbooks’ that Koreans don’t use!!

There are many endings, spelling, and grammar rules in Korean.

But I don’t think your purpose of learning Korean is to memorize all of grammar rules and exceptions for ‘the tests‘. (If so, this class is not for you.)

So the important thing is to study patterns mainly in sentences that Koreans usually use. 

I always teach students how to make a sentence structure through the pattern that we use a lot.

Then you can easily make Korean sentences by combining words and endings!

I know that you are upset because you have studied Korean for a long time but you are still having a hard time speaking Korean!

So I’ll teach you ‘Real Korean’ (aka. Pattern Korean)

My online class teaches ‘patterns’ that can be used directly in real conversations🗣️🗣️

If you learn a few patterns, you can talk to Koreans right away*🗣️🔥 

* based on intermediate classes

Who am I?

Hi, I’m Seungchan,
A few years ago, I made my first video to make it easier for my students who are native English speakers to learn Korean. This video became popular, and after that I learned helping people and teaching Korean made me feel passionate, so I quit my job and have been teaching Korean for years!

@chankorean3(+320K), @chankorean(+280K)

It was a video teaching Korean with patterns and beats,

I’ve applied these methods in my group class for a year and
I have confirmed that students’ speaking skills are improved effectivelySo I made this class to help many other students who have difficulty learning Korean.

Because if you know some patterns, Korean is not only easy and fun, but you can also use it right away for Koreans! 

Many students who have already taken my ‘Pattern Korean Classes’ have actually shown results that have improved their speaking skills 🙂


And that’s the reason why I made the Pattern Korean Course!

Goal : Speak Korean immediately using patterns from real conversations.

  • This class is suited for people: 

-Who can read Hangul (consonants & vowels) (or check out the beginner Pattern Korean 1 course)
– Who have studied Korean for months but still can’t make your own sentences.
– Who are tired of textbook grammar rules and exceptions.
– Who are planning a trip to Korea and want to learn a basic conversation skills.
– Who want to converse in Korean with Korean friends.
– Who are fans of Korean dramas and music who want to enjoy content without subtitles.

Why did hundreds of students choose the Pattern Korean Course?

The students' real reviews tell you why.

I think your class was wonderful. I love the focus on pronunciation. I like the part about having homework because it helps with accountability. The videos kept me refreshed and repeating things through the week to remember.

Ishshah - USA


I liked the most about lecture material. They are very useful and dedicated to korean language learning. Very detailed and amazing contents for each of the consecutive 4 week course.

Menglu - Australia


Chan created a professional and well structured instructor-led class and online training. His materials conveyed the concepts of Korean language learning in a convivial way. Chan effectively managed and facilitated his course and classroom by enforcing an encouraging and uplifting atmosphere . With the student in mind, he used effective creative ways to make learning interesting by by using patterns which I personally enjoyed cos it was so easy to make a sentences by myself with that. I plan on using him again for continuing my language learning journey in the future!

lucilla - Italy


Honestly your class is the best Korean class I have ever been to. I studied korean with different course which was run for free by the Korean Consulate in Australia, and it was terrible! But your class was so refreshing, offered at the perfect pace that didn't feel rushed. I also really appreciated the patterns you taught us, so we can actually make sentences straight away! The materials provided are excellent, and you did a great job of not overloading us with words, and just choosing the ones that are most important and that we are most likely to use. You also taught us how to use what we are learning in every day conversation, which is most important, as we will be speaking most of the time, not writing a novel ;). The homework was great too, not too long but a good reminder to consolidate what we had learned in class.

Bianca Jackson - Australia


The materials are made simple for English speakers to learn and students can understand so much better! There are intentional efforts put in by Teacher Chan to ensure the explanations given during lessons are easy to grasp with suitable homeworks which are not stressful to complete for students juggling with full time job.

Augustine - Singapore


What you'll get through the Pattern Korean course

– 25 exclusive videos for review
– 4 Live class recording video (Valued $220, 60 mins each)
– 4 Weekly Homework
– 4 Lecture Material Google Sheets
– Personal coach for 4 weeks (through google classroom)
– Various Learning Materials (e-books, Google Sheets)
– Top 100 Most useful korean Verb with informal Style(Valued $80)
– Top 10 Most useful korean Verb with informal Style(Valued $60)
– Sharing sites that are useful for learning Korean
– Community of students

You will get personal feedback on your exercises every day. Those feedback will help to improve your Korean

What you'll get through the Pattern Korean course

– 6 Weekly recorded Classes (1hour each,Valued $280)
– 6 Weekly Homework(google classroom)
– 6 Personalized Feedback
– 28 exclusive videos (Valued $280)
– 20 e-book materials(Beginner)
– Lifetime Access to 25 exclusive videos
– Lifetime Access to the Pattern Korean 1 course materials(PDF, e-book included)
– Sharing sites that are useful for learning Korean
– Top 30 the most useful sentences (Valued $40)
– Top 10 most useful Idioms (Valued $30)
– Unlimited Q&A

* The pattern Korean 2 course(Intermediate) consists of 8 weeks. Check the curriculum below.

Why our students love to learn with the Pattren Korean COURSE

These are the 3 pillars to help you achieve fluency faster:


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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. 

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. 



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. 

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. 



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. 

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. 


Course, here's What You'll Get

- 6 recorded Lecture Classes (Valued $280, 60 mins each)

* You can watch the same contents as the live class on a recorded video!

- 6 Weekly Homework(through google classroom)

-Personal coach for 6 weeks

-10 weekly Lecture Sheets & 20 grammar e-book Material (Value $150)

– Various Google Sheet Materials
* Top 10 Most Useful Ending, Top 100 Most Useful Korean Verbs, etc.

– 28 Exclusive Videos (Value $280)
Check out the preview of exclusive video👇

  • Word order of korean sentences
  • Particles(Topic,Subject,Object) 
  • Korean Number system(native,sino)
  • Conjunction(and,between nouns and sentences)
  • Conjunction(Or,between nouns and sentences)
  • Basic Vowels(ㅏ,ㅓ,ㅗ,ㅜ,ㅡ,ㅣ)
  • Combine Vowels(ㅘ,ㅝ,ㅟ,ㅞ,ㅙ,ㅚ)
  • Double Vowels(ㅑ,ㅕ,ㅛ,ㅠ)
  • Consonants(ㄱ,ㄴ,ㄷ)
  • Consonants(ㄹ,ㅁ,ㅂ,ㅅ)
  • Consonant(ㅇ)
  • Aspirated Consonants(ㅊ,ㅋ,ㅌ,ㅍ)/Consonants(ㅈ,ㅎ)
  • Final consonant(ㄴ,ㄹ,ㅁ,ㅇ,ㅂ,ㅍ)
  • Final consonant(ㄱ,ㅋ,ㄲ)
  • Final consonant(ㄷ,ㅌ,ㅅ,ㅎ,ㅆ,ㅈ)
  • Words related to time
  • Linking sound
  • Native Numbers
  • Sino Numbers
  • Demonstrative pronouns(This,that)
  • The difference between ‘가세요’ and ‘계세요‘(goodbye)
  • Basic expressions
  • Numeric Unit
  • How to call someone’s name in korean
  • (Preview) Past tense(i ate +something+time)
  • Korean Syllable blocks(1,2) 
  • Topic Particles(은,는)
  • How to introduce yourself (greeting, name, nationality)
  • Korean sentence order
  • What is the ‘Verb stem’?
  • How to order food in korean(main/side)
  • Simulation of ordering at a Korean restaurant
  • What time is the next~?
  • How to ask for directions
  • How to make a Future tense(will/going to)
  • Future tense pattern 1.(I’m going to somewhere)
  • Future tense pattern 2.(I’m going to drink something)
  • Future tense pattern 3.(I’m going to eat something)
  • How to make a Past tense
  • Past tense pattern 1.(I ate something+time)
  • Past tense pattern 2.(I went to somewhere+time)
  • How to make a Present tense(-ing)
  • Present tense pattern 1.(I’m eating something)
  • I like/don’t like something
  • Counting Units
  • From A to B(Place, time)
  • How to modify Noun with Adjective
  • What did you do yesterday/last week?(past experience)
  • Have you been to somewhere?(i have/i haven’t)
  • How to talk About Preferences(Do you like something?)
  • How to make sentences with ‘should’
  • How to make sentences with ‘Let’s’
  • How to make a sentence with ‘want’
  • Can you drink something?


Join Today

Pattern Korean 1 Courses

These are included

What is the difference between 'the Pattern Korean Class' and others?

I have seen what my students have studied through many other Korean classes so far, I found some problems with the existing classes.

  First, Most of the classes teach ‘Korean for textbooks‘ that focus on grammar and exceptions, not expressions that are used a lot by Koreans, 

So students first study Korean for textbooks, but for actual conversation, they had to study ‘Korean for Conversation’ again.

To solve this problem, I decided to teach expressions that can be used in conversation through ‘Patterns’   I organized the sentences that Koreans use the most into patterns (endings).

Anyone can compose a sentence right away by memorizing patterns and combining multiple words. (It is a form of words + ending, Based on intermediate)

Second, there was no video material for students to review after live class.

we remember what we learned during class, but we often forget after class in just a few days.

To solve this problem, I decided to provide 28 exclusive videos so that they can always recall what they learned after class!

And after teaching Korean to my students who are native English speakers for many years, I learned exactly what difficulties they have (pronunciation, grammar, etc.), and It’s a class made with students to reflect what they need.


Many students who have already taken my ‘Pattern Korean Classes’ have actually shown results that have improved their korean skills

Why are you hesitating?

‘The limit of the language I know is the limit of my world.’

Let’s start learning Korean with a Pattern Korean course and Enjoy your trip to Korea and Korean culture more abundantly 🙂

If you want to hear from the students who actually improved, check out the reviews above!

My students review :

100% Risk-Free!

I’m sure you’ll be satisfied with my class, so I’m going to give you a 100% refund within 7 days if you’re dissatisfied with the class.

Don’t hesitate, let’s start studying Korean in patterned Korean!

Pattern Korean Course Curriculum

If you don’t know Hangul(Consonants,Vowels) You can take Pattern Korean 1 Course(Beginner)! 

If you can read Hangul(Consonants,Vowels) You can take Pattern Korean 2 Course(Intermediate)!

Please check each curriculum of the ‘Pattern Korean Course’ by clicking ‘+‘ below! 

week 1.

– History of Hangul
– What’s Hangeul?
– Scientific principles of vowels,The principle of 천지인(sky,ground,man)
– How to read Korean Vowels
– Korean syllable blocks
– two sounds of “ㅇ”(circle consonant)

week 2.

– How to read korea consonants
– How To Read Korean Words
– Combine consonants and vowels sound
– Double Consonants
– How to pronounce ‘ㅡ’ and ‘아’ sound
– Two type of korean letters

week 3.

– Batchim Sounds (Ending Consonants)
– Final Consonants(ㅌ,ㄷ,ㅅ,ㅎ,ㅆ,ㅈ,ㅎ)
– Final Consonants(ㄱ,ㅋ,ㄲ)
– Final Consonants(ㅂ,ㅍ)
– Final Consonants(ㄴ,ㄹ,ㅁ,ㅇ)
– Read korean words
– self-introduction

week 4.

★ Practice combining each syllable sound(With various words)
– Name of Korean food(voca)
– There is/are~(~있어요)
– time particle(~에)
– I have/don’t have someting(~있/없어요)
– The days of the week in korean(sun~sat)
– The order of words in a Korean sentence
– Pattern6. Let’s~(~자)
– Let’s go/eat/do~

week 5.

– Self-introduction(Name,nationality)
– The names of country
– The names of country Occupation
– Useful expressions
– Practice making sentences
– useful expressions
처음 뵙겠습니다
만나서 반가워요
잘 먹겠습니다
잘 먹었습니다
실례합니다/잠시만요. etc

week 6.

– Expressions related to time(today,tomorrow,yesterday)
– I want to~(~고싶어요)
i wanna go/eat/drink
– From A to B(~에서~까지)
– How to make a sentence with negative Adverb(Not)
– I like + something
– i don’t like + something
– subject,object particles(은,는,이,가)
– object particles(을,를)
– Pattern Korean 1 course summary
– Review and Q&A(Week 1-6)

week 1.

★ How to make an ending in the basic verb form (past, present, future)

– The importance of a Verb stem
– Self-introduction(Nationality, Occupation)
– How to write your name in Korean
– Top 10 most useful expressions
– Korean manners (before,after eat something)
– Pattern1. will/going to(~거에요)
– How to say “i will go/drink/eat~”

week 2.
– How to make a sentence(with verb)
– how to make a past tense(-았/었/했어요)
– Pattern2. I went to~ (~갔어요)
– Words related to a place
– Expressions related to time(today,tomorrow,yesterday)
– Weekend activities
– Pattern3. I’m gonna meet/rest/read

week 3.
– How to order from a Korean restaurant
– Korean number system(sino/native)
– Pattern4. give me~(~주세요)
– Conjunction(A and B)
– Ending(Polite,informal)
– How to say your age
– Korean Unit/time(hour/min),clock,counting

week 4.
– Review what you learned
– want to(~고싶어), Possessive Particle(~의)
– like/ don’t like,Conjunctions(But, and, or)
– From A to B(~에서~까지), Let’s(~자), After&Before
– Conjunctions(and,or)
– Pattern 5. I want to~(~고싶어요)
– I wanna go/dirnk/eat

week 5.
– Pattern 6. I will study
– season in korean
– Only,just(~만)
– From A to B (place,time)
– Posessive Particle(~의)
– Pattern 7. I Can/Can’t
I can go/drink/eat
– Useful idiom 1. ‘I’m in the middle of~ ‘

week 6.

– How to modify a noun with an adjective
– Noun modifying form(ㄴ/은)
– Conjunctions with Nouns(And,Or)
– Conjunctions with Verbs(And,Or)
– This, That, Over there
– Pattern 8. I should~
I should sit/stand up/wake up
– Here, there, over there

week 7.

– How to order from a Korean restaurant
– Too, also(~도)
– Pattern 9. I should not~/don’t have to
I shouldn’t eat/drink/go
– Useful idiom 2. ‘Are you done with~ ‘
– how to say ‘about’, ‘approximately’, ‘around’ in korean

week 8.

– Pattern Korean 2 course summary
★ Preview of Conversation Class
– The most useful ending pt2. ‘Are you done with~ ‘
– How to make a noun form
– Useful idiom 3. ‘There are so many~’
– Review and Q&A(Week 1-8)

Pattern Korean 1 Course (Beginner)


$820 -> $294

(※ only for this month!!) 

(6 Weeks Program)

Click the button below
to join the Pattern Korean 1 Course

  • 6 Weekly recording Classes (1hour each,Valued $360)
  • 6 recorded Videos of Live Classes (1hour each)
  • 6 Weekly Homework(google classroom)
  • 6 Personalized Feedback
  • 28 exclusive videos (Valued $280)
  • 20 e-book materials(Beginner)
  • Lifetime Access to 25 exclusive videos
  • Lifetime Access to the Pattern Korean 1 course materials(PDF, e-book included)
  • Top 30 the most useful sentences (Valued $40)
  • Top 10 most useful Idioms (Valued $30)
  • Unlimited Q&A

Pattern Korean 2 Course


$1250 -> $398

(※ only for this month!!)

(8 Weeks Program)

Click the button below
to join the Pattern Korean 2 Course

  • 8 Weekly recording Classes (1hour each,Valued $480)
  • 8 recorded Videos of Live Classes (1hour each)
  • 8 Weekly Homework(google classroom)
  • 8 Personalized Feedback
  • 28 exclusive videos (Valued $280)
  • Lifetime Access to 28 exclusive videos
  • Lifetime Access to the Pattern Korean 2 course materials(PDF, e-book included)
  • Top 100 Most Useful korean Verb (Valued $80) 
  • Top 10 Most Useful Ending (Valued $60)
  • Top 30 the most useful sentences (Valued $40)
  • Top 10 most useful Idioms (Valued $30)
  • Unlimited Q&A

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, check out the Patter Korean 1 (Beginner) course. The Patter Korean 1 is for those who do not know Korean at all. So you will learn the Korean alphabet step by step 🙂

No, this is recording class((live recorded, 28 exclusive video), so you can always watch recording classes again regardless of time. and It’s a lecture-style class, and the recording video is the same as the live class!

Yes, you can access the video even after the course is over. You can watch it again and again without restriction

If you want to improve your speaking skills, check out the ‘Conversation Class (Live)’ above! A native Korean teacher will teach you useful expressions and check your pronunciation as well.

My motto

The limit of the language I know is the limit of my world.

Connecting the dots. 

(Everything eventually connects, There is no unnecessary experience.)

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