Pattren Korean​ was created based on a single question.

Why your Korean study is difficult?​

There are many endings, spelling, and grammar in Korean.

But I don’t think your purpose of learning Korean is to memorize all of grammar and exceptions for ‘the tests‘. (If so, this class is not for you.)

So the important thing is to study patterns mainly on sentences that Koreans usually use.

I always teach students how to make a sentence structure through the pattern that we used a lot.

Then you can easily make Korean sentences by combining words and ending!

[ I know that you are upset because you have studied Korean for a long time but you still having a hard time for speak Korean!

It’s because you studied ‘Korean for textbooks’ that Koreans don’t use!!

So I’ll teach you ‘Real Korean’ (aka. pattern Korean)

My online class teaches ‘pattern’ that can be used directly in real conversations🗣️🗣️

If you learn a few patterns, you can talk to Koreans right away🗣️🔥 (based on intermediate classes) ]

Korean teacher Seungchan

Hi, I’m Seungchan,
A few years ago, videos made to make it easier for my friends who are native English speakers to learn Korean became popular, and after I learned that helping someone and teaching Korean made me feel passionate, I quit my job and have been teaching Korean through Instagram and TikTok for years!

@chankorean3(+320K), @chankorean(+280K)

It was a video teaching Korean with patterns and beats And I’ve applied these methods in my group class. I have confirmed that students’ speaking skills are improved effectively. Many students who have already taken my ‘Pattern Korean Classes’ have actually shown ‘results’ that have improved their speaking skills.

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